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The 7th Exhibition of Transportation, Logistics and Related Industries:

هفتمین نمایشگاه حمل و نقل، لجستیک و صنایع‌ وابسته

Attending the 7th Exhibition of Transportation, Logistics and Related Industries:

Edalatian Holding shined by participating in the 7th Exhibition of Transportation, Logistics, and Related Industries and developed its cooperation with other industries as a result.

این نمایشگاه که به مدت سه روز و از ۲۷ تا ۲۹ آذرماه سال 1402 در محل مصلی امام‌خمینی (ره) و با شعار “حمل و نقل هوشمند، ترانزیت و توسعه اقتصاد” برگزار شد شاهد حضور وزیر راه و شهرسازی و معاونانش بود.

The 7th Exhibition of Transportation, Logistics and Related Industries was held at the same time as Transportation National Week, and Edalatian Holding Group with the participation of its subsidiaries including "Adl Tarabaran Toos", "Adl Trabaran Khavar-Mianeh", "Pishtaz Tarabar Asr-e Khavaran", "Petro Parand Khavar-Mianeh", "Sangan Makran" and "Golden Co" had the experience of participating in such an exhibition for the first time, and stood out among the 316 present companies. هلدینگ عدالتیان با مشارکت شرکت‌های تابعه خود شامل شرکت‌های “ Adl Tarabaran Toos Co.” ، ” عدل ترابران خاورمیانه ” ، ” پیشتاز ترابر عصر خاوران ” ، ” پترو پرند خاورمیانه ” ، ” سنگان مکران ” و ” گلدن کو ” ، برای نخستین بار تجربه حضور در چنین نمایشگاهی را رقم زد و در میان ۳۱۶ شرکت حاضر، خوش درخشید.

The countries present at The 7th Exhibition of Transportation, Logistics and Related Industries:

The Exhibition of Transportation, Logistics and Related Industries was held on a land of more than 16 thousand square metres and was accompanied by the participation of more than 85 knowledge enterprise and start-up companies and foreign visitors from the countries of Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Russia and Afghanistan, which compared to the previous courses, the participation was unprecedented. آذربایجان ، پاکستان ، روسیه و افغانستان همراه بود که نسبت به دوره‌های گذشته بی‌سابقه بود.

The unveiling of at least 22 products of different companies, as well as road construction machinery and the holding of educational workshops by associations and trade unions were among the programs that were held on the sidelines of this exhibition.

Achievements of Edalatian Holding Group in the 7th Exhibition of Transportation, Logistics and Related Industries:

In order to know the achievements of Edalatian Holding by participating in this exhibition, we had a conversation with the CEO of this holding, Mr. Seyed Ali Reza Edalatian Hosseini, which you can read below:

Maneuvering power and communication with foreign businessmen was one of the achievements of the exhibition.


سوال اول از آقای مهندس سیدعلیرضا عدالتیان حسینی مدیر عامل هلدینگ عدالتیان این بود که:

Q1: What achievements did Edalatian Holding’s first experience to participate in the 7th Exhibition of Transportation, Logistics and Related Industries bring?

We, Edalatian Holding Group, participated in this exhibition with the presence of various departments such as commerce, goods, IT and PR. Among all the achievements of participating in this exhibition, we can mention gaining experience for participating in future exhibitions and continuing to participate in such events, because this experience was useful and valuable so that we can participate more powerfully in such events. بازرگانی، کالا، آی تی، روابط عمومی در این نمایشگاه حضور یافتیم و از دستاوردهای شرکت در این نمایشگاه؛ می‌توان به کسب تجربه برای شرکت در نمایشگاه‌های بعدی و تداوم در حضور شرکت در چنین رویدادهایی اشاره داشت چرا که این تجربه مفید و ارزشمندی بود تا ما بتوانیم به صورت قدرتمندتر در چنین رویدادهایی حضور یابیم.

ایجاد لینک‌های ارتباطی منسجم با سایر شرکت‌کنندگان در این نمایشگاه و همچنین توسعه ارتباطات با فعالان در صنایع مختلف به ویژه تاجرانی که از سایر کشورها در نمایشگاه حضور داشتند را می‌توان از مهم‌ترین دستاوردهای حضور هلدینگ عدالتیان در هفتمین نمایشگاه حمل و نقل، لجستیک و صنایع‌وابسته دانست.

مدیرعامل هلدینگ عدالتیان با اشاره به اینکه حضور شرکت هایی همچون ماموت، شرکت لاستیک‌سازی بارز، شرکت خلیج فارس، سازمان راهداری و حمل و نقل جاده‌ای کشور و ادارات تابعه در استان‌ها و شرکت های دانش بنیان که در زمینه توسعه این صنعت در حوزه الکترونیک و طراحی اپلیکیشن‌های حمل و بار فعال بودند به همراه سایر شرکت‌ها، کارخانجات و تجار داخلی و خارجی موجب شد تا بیشترین بهره برداری ما از این نمایشگاه، ایجاد ارتباطات موثر و شروع همکاری های کار آمد با شرکت کنندگان را برای ما فراهم آورد.

Q2: Did the companies under Edalatian Holding manage to develop cooperation with colleagues and customers by participating in this exhibition? And how many agreements and contracts were concluded? And in which areas of cooperation development did you record in the company’s record?

“We managed to sign contracts with companies active in the field of transporting minerals, animal products production companies and petrochemical companies””, he continued “To participate in this exhibition and introduce the activities and services provided by the Edalatian group of companies as best as possible, PR used all its strength and efforts by preparing teasers, motion graphics, preparing catalogs and brochures, and gift packs to present to Presenters and holding meetings to introduce the company in person to clients and guests, fortunately brought a very good feedback from attending this exhibition.” شرکت‌های فعال در زمینه حمل مواد معدنی، شرکت تولید فرآورده‌های دامی و شرکت‌های پتروشیمی قرارداد منعقد کنیم.

Mr. Edalatian also said about how to introduce the company's activities:

To participate in this exhibition and introduce the activities and services provided by the Edalatian group of companies as best as possible, public relations used all its strength and efforts by preparing teasers, motion graphics, preparing catalogs and brochures, and gift packs to present to Presenters and holding meetings to introduce the company in person to clients and guests, fortunately brought a very good feedback from attending this exhibition. تیزر، موشن گرافی، تهیه کاتالوگ و بروشور ، و پک‌های هدیه جهت ارائه به مراجعه کنندگان و برگزاری جلساتی در جهت معرفی شرکت بصورت حضوری به مراجعان و مدعوین، خوشبختانه بازخورد بسیار خوبی را از حضور در این نمایشگاه به ارمغان آورد.


Goals of Edalation Holding in the 7th Exhibition of Transportation, Logistics and Related Industries:

The managing director of Edalatian Holding also added:

Among the goals of the holding, we can mention things such as introducing ourselves in the nation’s market, manufactures, factories and petrochemical companies, as well as domestic and foreign merchants, in addition to gaining experience to participate in other domestic and foreign exhibitions, in order to be able to be more present in both domestic and foreign markets. معرفی خود در سطح بازار کشور، تولیدکنندگان، کارخانجات و شرکت‌های پتروشیمی و همچنین تجار داخلی و خارجی عنوان کرد که در کنار آن، کسب تجربه جهت شرکت در سایر نمایشگاه‌های داخلی و یا خارجی نیز فراهم آمد تا با قدرت بیشتر در بازارهای داخلی و خارجی حضور داشته باشیم.

This exhibition will bring the first experience of our presence in Edalatian Holding. This presence also provided a suitable platform for participation in international exhibitions abroad, and we hope that in the not too distant future, we will be able to provide the company with the possibility of developing international cooperation by participating in such exhibitions.

He went on to emphasize that in the following year we will participate more fully in the 8th Tehran International Exhibition and acknowledged:

For the coming years, we are planning to participate in transport and logistics exhibitions in the country and abroad.


The most audience attraction in the first appearance:

Mr. Edalatian considered one of the important points in the exhibition to be the top rank in attracting audiences and said:

“Our booth in the Edalatian Holding Group was among the top 5 booths that attracted the most visitors and referents, including the presence of the civil engineer of the honorable deputy of transportation of the country’s highway organization.” جمله حضور مهندس شهرکی معاونت محترم حمل و نقل سازمان راهداری کشور نام برد.

The managing director of Edalatian Holding added: “Edalatian Group of Companies currently considers itself being at the beginning of a professional path to become the best transportation company in Iran, which can, with all its efforts, have an effective and colourful presence in international arenas, especially the Middle East, to serve our dear homeland and the people of this land, just as it has not given up any efforts in order to achieve these goals, and from now on, with more efforts to achieve these goals, with firm steps and The collective will move.”


Workshops and educational meetings with the participation and presence of Edalatian Holding experts:

The participation and presence of Edalatian Holding experts took place in the specialized meetings of this exhibition. These workshops and educational meetings with the following titles was held in this exhibition:

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